Personal journal and online public diary

Monday 7 December 2015

2 out of 3

Isn't it funny that we never appreciate those school days and find all kinds of ways to skip class and feel happy about it, then during the last day of school, our hearts are always filled with mixed feelings, smiles and tears.

The steps are getting heavier as I dragged myself out of the car and walked up the stairs. I've skipped at least three weeks of classes in November as attendance was the last thing I worry about. I raised my eyebrow as I watched as one of my classmate ran up the stairs with excitement. I smiled to myself, seeing such contrast between us and the weight on my back seems to be lighter than the weight on my head. I settled my bag on the table and started to do a little catch-up with my friends when that's the time I realize that I was late for about an hour to school and the assembly was about to start in 30 minutes. We asked each other about our holiday plans before departing to the hall. 

While I was sitting at the hall, a masculine father caught my attention, he strolled in the hall with his twin off-springs, dressed in Flash t-shirts, having the usual Asian mushroom haircuts. The father was tall and very well-built with a strict face, however he spoke to his twins with his gentle voice, bent down to their heights and gave them both a high five before leading them up the stairs to their seats. I watched as the two adorable children stretched their short legs and climbed up the stairs in a carefree manner while their loving father turned around and reminded them to watch the steps every now and then until they reached to their seats.

The assembly started and I was totally distracted by my own thoughts as my eyes wandered around the hall while both the principal and the guest of honor gave their speeches. my friend and I tried to entertain ourselves by joking around and giggling at some of the names of the awardees (not trying to be mean though, by the way), not to forget to clap as loud and encouraging as we can for our classmates as they proudly walked up the stage and received their certificates.

The last day of school had always been horrible for me, for I fear at looking at my result slip but yet, I can't wait for the teacher to call out my name so I can receive my result slip. I watched as my friends compared their results with each other and smiled at their achievements proudly.

I looked back and recalled all those laughter and noises made from my classroom for the past 10 months, some of them seemed blurry but some were still vivid as like it just happened yesterday. I smiled to myself and sighed deeply, with the big family of ours will still be the same next year when we faced uncountable stress and exam papers? Somehow, I'll just have to wait and see, the Year 11 Science of 2016, the year we will graduate.
                                                           (  Year 10 Science of  2015)

Friday 20 November 2015

Telah Lepak

Strolling along the path and following closely behind as I listened to conversations (along with some giggles) going on, my bag acted as a burden to drag me from behind even though it weighed as light as a feather.

Class is still continuing even though my final exams had finished. So as days passed, only 5% of my classmates were sitting next to the wall and 2% of them were left sitting in the middle of the class. During class, the teachers showed no interest in teaching and just let us sit in a circle and talk lots of nonsense. My class (that's usually noisy and utterly annoying) became more silent as days passed because 50% of them left to watch the basketball match at both the main hall and the basketball court and that is when I realised that I needed to do something that I always wanted to but never dared to: lepak.

Lepak, defined as (especially for young people) spending one's time aimlessly loitering around (a certain area). We went and sat at the coloured bench in the hall and mentally supported our class girls' team for the basketball match. Sports, especially the ones that involve balls never grabbed my attention, and sitting on the bench for 30 minutes from time to time was ABSOLUTELY boring. I wasn't really focused on the game, but I glanced from time to time as they dribble and shoot the ball into the hoops. How can I focus on the game when I have the urge to play with my phone, holding it my hands and looking up every time a cheer has been erupted as the ball close to the hoop?

10-4, they lost, but not a single glimpse of disappointment was shown on their faces as they proudly walked off the court, for we all knew that it's not about winning but the fun they had while playing basketball.
(photo credits to them)

My friends and I stood up and left, heading to the library to kill the rest of our time to read some books, which eventually lead to gossiping instead. The bell rang as we walked out of the door, and a sense of excitement flashed through our minds as we looked forward to the journey home.
(photo credits to them)

Happened on 17/11/2015.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

On the Starting Line

"Times's ticking, wind's blowing, boredom's attacking and now, I am escaping".

Holidays, also known as 'relief from exertion' time, the time when I just want to empty out my mind and relax without worrying about homework and school work. However, as time pass by, my plans started turning to directions where I don't intentionally want them to go and many things I've planned to do, but were never fulfilled. There are still plenty of weeks left for me to enjoy my holiday but I'm still sitting on the couch, procrastinating and doing unproductive work. Coming from a Chinese family, my parents would grab this opportunity to tell us to do house chores (which are absolutely unavoidable if you ask me) whenever we are on our holiday or when we have nothing to do.

Scrolling through countless of posts, from one blog to another, a thought hit me, "What's my Blogger password again?". I was having a hard time recalling my password and then another thought hit me: "I should start blogging!". Why have a physical diary/journal when you can share personal thoughts online? Truth to be told, there might just be a few readers reading my blog posts but I personally think blogging is great to kill time.

As I put my heart and soul in reformatting my blog with hope, some help from an amazing friend who was willing to give a helping hand on making this blog with a wonderful, magical touch, and with a strong determination, I had just took off from the starting line.